Research & Standards


Caroline believes research is an important element in understanding the issue of missing children and in educating professionals on trends and upcoming challenges. She coordinates with academics, NGOs and law enforcement around the world to identfiy topics and submit concept outlines to secure funding.

Caroline has collaborated with UNICEF and other international NGOs to launch the first global missing children research. She reviewed country’s legislation and policies related to missing children. The result has shown the need for greater awareness, understanding and research across the world.

Caroline’s work in building national responses to missing children, has led her to write the Model Missing Cihldren Framework. It provides a guide to countries on the necessary structure needed to protect children. While working with countries in implementing the national response, she collaborates with the investigative agency to create internal standards used during investigations. Alongside it she coordinates with policymakers the need for dedicated legislations.

Caroline supplemented the Framework with two additional frameworks focusing on the use of public appeals during a missing child investigation.

The aim of any research Caroline undertakes is to help inform policymakers and professionals and enhance the overall response to missing children.

Please contact Caroline, if you or your agency is interested in conducting research or develop internal standards.